The story of the young Moroccan boy, Rayan, five years old, paralyzed the country. He fell and got trapped in a well. Rescuers did everything they could, geologists guided them, experts traveled miles to advise on the best and most efficient way to save him, all authorities assembled and organized the operation, the medical team was ready… Unfortunately, after days of efforts, patience, and perseverance, right after rescuing him, Rayan passed away.
What I will remember from this heartbreaking event are not the sophisticated attempts to rescue him, but the manifestation of a rare collective spirit of bravery. Rayan united us for four days. Rayan reminded us of what matters. Rayan reminded us of what our ancestors, the Almohads, wrote wherever they went: “لا غالبَ إلا الله”, meaning: There is no victor but God. No one can stop us when resolved. When the rescuers were interviewed, one could see their facial expressions; one could detect in their voices and tone their extreme determination to save Rayan. No one could stop them. No one could stop the wave of solidarity and self-sacrifice. In a few days, the whole country mobilized; many sent donations; the grandmothers of the community prepared food and beverages for anyone who participated, everyone worked hard for him.
Rayan became the little brother and child of all the Moroccans. He incarnated what we value the most: the life of the innocent.
The people who risked their lives to protect him, who spent days with no sleep, did it because they saw in him the essence of our being. It is a tragedy that his parents and family will not be able to hug him and play with him again. But, we must remember, that before Rayan passed away, he saw the light after days in the darkness, and most importantly, he made us see the light too. I will forever remember him, and I will forever remember what we became for him.
Nice but I feel like this piece should be longer than it is. As if you meant to extend what was learned from Rayan to something we need to remember today. Why did you stop?